600361 - Iowa Rural Certified Site Initiative
Funding Opportunity Details
Iowa Certified Sites
Final Application Deadline: Apr 15, 2025 11:59 PM
Status Posted
Posted Date Feb 4, 2025 11:48 AM
Award Amount RangeNo Limit - $37,500.00
Project Dates -
Award Announcement Date
Categorical Area Community Development,Economic Development,Rural Issues
Recurring Opportunity No
Program Officer Amy Kuhlers
Phone (515) 348-6250 x
Email amy.kuhlers@iowaeda.com
Program Description
To facilitate the development of additional certified industrial sites in rural Iowa, the Iowa Rural Certified Site Initiative (IRCSI) was created by 2024 Iowa Acts, Senate File 575, Division II. The legislation directed IEDA to allocate funds to support applicants for certification in counties with a population of less than 50,000 per the 2020 federal decennial census, and who are pursuing site certification through the IEDA Certified Sites Program. Grant awards must be dispersed across the four Iowa congressional districts with two awards per district.
This grant program will assist awarded applicants with costs incurred for due diligence surveys required for site certification.
December 12, 2024 – information provided at Certified Sites Program application webinar
February 4, 2024 – Application window opens
March 1, 2025 – Notification to Pursue Certification Submission Deadline
April 15, 2025 – Application Deadline
Grant Request Amount:
Applicants may request up to $37,500 for eligible due diligence certification expenses. Engineering cost estimate(s) for all eligible due diligence expenses are required.
Match Requirement:
Applicants are required to provide a minimum 1:1 cash match, up to the maximum $37,500 cap. Example, if eligible expenses based on cost estimates total $75,000 and applicant requested $37,500 in grant funds, they must provide documented availability of matching funds of $37,500. If eligible expenses total $50,000, the total grant fund request would be for no more than $25,000 and must be accompanied with documented availability of matching funds of $25,000. Expenditures for certification due diligence incurred on or after July 1, 2024, can be included as match.
Funding Period
The funding period will be specified in the agreement entered into between the recipient and IEDA.
Disbursement of Funds
Disbursements will be made on a reimbursement basis. Disbursement claims must be for an amount equal to or greater than $1,000 per request. No more than two total disbursements are permitted. All claims must be made through lowaGrants.gov.
When submitting a claim, the following items are required.
A claim including:
- A detailed description of the expenditures and the corresponding amounts
- Invoices and proof of payment for any equipment, supplies or materials purchased
- A status report for the claim period.
The IEDA may request additional documentation as needed.
The proposed certified site must:
- Be located in a county with a population of less than 50,000 according to the 2020 federal decennial census;
- Meet the minimum required criteria for the IEDA Certified Sites Program including, but not limited to: land availability, required utility capacities, completed due diligence surveys, and site access.
- See 2025 Certified Sites Program Guidebook for complete requirements for certification.
The applicant must document the availability of matching funds. This requirement may be waived by the IEDA Director if the community served by the proposed certified site was directly impacted by a natural disaster in 2024, or other significant extenuating circumstances exist.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants include economic development organizations, cities, counties, utility companies, private development organizations, and landowners.
Eligible applicants for the 2025 IRCSI will be identified by IEDA based on the Notification to Pursue Certification (NTPC) that is required to initiate the site certification process.
Eligible Use of Funding
- Attorney Title Opinion
- Boundary Survey
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)
- Wetlands Delineation
- Threatened and Endangered Species Study
- Cultural Resources Identification Survey (CRIS)
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Other costs determined as eligible by the authority
Ineligible Use of Funds
- Land options or other expenses associated with real estate
- Transportation-related expenses (roadways, rail spur or improvements, other)
- Mitigation costs (wetlands, archeological, other)
- Salary/time costs of applicants or consultants
- Other costs determined as ineligible by the authority
Funds may not be used for recertification of existing certified sites.
- Applicants must apply via IowaGrants.gov, an online application portal. Applications will not be accepted in any other format. Late, incomplete, or ineligible applications will not be accepted. Applicants must create a login to view the full application for the program.
- Applicants must complete the Notification to Pursue Certification (NTPC) by March 1, 2025 via a link in the 2025 Certified Sites Guidebook. The Guidebook will be distributed via email following the kickoff webinar to those who have expressed an interest in certification.
- The submitted NTPC forms will be reviewed by certification consultants to determine whether proposed sites are candidates for certification. IEDA will then review the NTPC forms from certification-eligible applicants to determine eligibility to apply for grant funds. Eligible IRCSI applicants will be notified by IEDA and invited to apply for grant funds and receive instructions on how to commence the grant application process.
- During the certification process, applicants will complete due diligence requirements and can submit requests for reimbursement of allowable expenses and supporting documentation.
Eligibility Review
- Applicants must demonstrate evidence of the following:
- Applicant is an eligible candidate
- Funding request meets eligible project and expense requirements
- Request is for no more than $37,500
- Request includes proof of 1:1 cash match
- Application is complete and submitted through IowaGrants.gov
Application Review
IEDA staff will make a recommendation to the Director as to award amounts and which applicants should receive grants based on the follow criteria:
- Priority will be given to communities/counties that do not have a certified site.
- Priority will be given to communities/counties that are greater distances from counties with a population greater than or equal to 50,000
- Priority will be given to sites that have documented support from the applicable city and county government.
- Priority will be given to applicants with a feasible plan to market the site following certification.
Additional Award Information
- There is a limit of one award per applicant per fiscal year.
- IEDA will perform due diligence, including conducting background checks on applicants.
- Award amounts will be based on multiple factors including, but not limited to, the following:
- Number of applications received
- Number of intended awards
- Size of applicant sites
Recipients will enter into a contract with IEDA for administration of the awarded funds.
The Director of the IEDA makes the final determination as to which applicants will receive grants, and grant amounts.
Funds will be disbursed following submission of acceptable documentation that the grantee has paid for costs that are eligible for reimbursement.
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