599181 - 2025 Iowa Healthcare Credentialing Grant
Funding Opportunity Details
Final Application Deadline: Mar 5, 2025 2:00 PM
Status Posted
Posted Date Jan 29, 2025 1:10 PM
Award Amount RangeNo Limit - $250,000.00
Project Dates -
Award Announcement Date
Categorical Area
Recurring Opportunity No
Program Officer Katherine Leggett
Phone 5152041378 x
Notice of Funding Opportunity
State Agency Name:
Iowa Department of Workforce Development
Funding Opportunity Title
2025 Iowa Healthcare Credentialing Grant
Assistance Listing Number
(formerly CFDA Number):
21.027 American Rescue Plan - Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
Application Deadline:
Grant applications are due by Wednesday, March 5th, at 2:00 p.m. CST
Application Webinar Date:
The purpose of the 2025 Iowa Healthcare Credentialing Grant is to support healthcare employers to lead rapid entry training and education projects to equip new and/or upskill current healthcare employees to meet high-demand healthcare needs. The goal is to support implementation of registered apprenticeship or employer led earn and learn programs to address those needs. Eligible employers can use this opportunity to expand existing models or implement new registered apprenticeship programs or innovative employer designed earn and learn programs in high demand occupations.
The grant seeks applications from healthcare employers with a substantial presence in Iowa with a desire to implement or expand the following “earn and learn” models:
- Creating or expanding Registered Apprenticeship programs in healthcare occupations in approved health related fields, as identified in the “Eligible High-Demand Priority Occupations” list below, for the purpose of creating a workforce pipeline by upskilling current employees and providing a structured education and training option for new hires.
- Creating or expanding internal, employer-designed rapid entry earn and learn training programs for new and current employees in approved health related fields, as identified in the “Eligible High-Demand Priority Occupations” list below, for the purpose of creating a workforce pipeline by upskilling current employees and providing a structured education and training option for new hires.
Eligible High-Demand Priority Occupations for training and education:
· Dental Assistant or Hygienist
· Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
· Direct Support Professional
· Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
· Health Technologist & Technicians
· Laboratory Assistant or Technician
· Licensed Practical Nurse
· Medical Assistant
· Medical Secretary
· Nursing Assistant
· Paramedic
· Pharmacy Technicians
· Phlebotomist
· Physical Therapy Assistants and/or Technicians
· Radiology Technician
· Respiratory Technician
· Registered Nurse
· Surgical Assistant and/or Technician
Governor Kim Reynolds has reserved funding under the federal American Rescue Plan Act (H.R.1319) of State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds E.C. 2.11 for this Notice of Funding Opportunity. As a condition of receiving the funds appropriated through this Notice of Funding Announcement (NOFO), the subrecipient shall testify upon the request of any committee or subcommittee of the State of Iowa General Assembly regarding the expenditures of such funds.
Estimated Award Amount
· The total allocation available to award is an estimated $3,000,000.
· Individual project allocations will be considered up to a maximum of $250,000 per grantee.
Funding decisions are made as funding is available. IWD is not obligated to provide the maximum grant amount requested.
State or Federal Match Requirement
Projects will require a 25% private match of total program cost. For example: If the applicant requests a total of $250,000 for their project, they will be expected to provide a $62,500 match first for total eligible program allocation of $312,500. ($250,000 grant request + 25% match ($62,500) = $312,500 total eligible program expenses).
Validated documentation of private match expenses must be expended and validated by IWD prior to grant funds becoming available. Grant funds are administered as reimbursement only and no advance payments will be provided. Indirect, In-kind and volunteer expenses are not eligible for the match requirement or reimbursement under this award.
Project and Award Period
Pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, (H.R.1319), funds received as part of this program must be entirely spent by September 30, 2026. Any funds not expended for activity completed by September 30, 2026, will be forfeited and IWD will not be obligated to provide additional funding for program completion. Awarded projects not meeting these timelines may result in a default of the award and all grant funds may be required to be returned to IWD.
The funds for this award are provided by the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF), part of the American Rescue Plan. SLFRF requires that all costs incurred for this project must align within the federal award period. performance period for this program begins April 1, 2025, and ends September 30, 2026, providing up to 18 months for the performance period.
All projects must be completed by September 30, 2026. Expenses incurred related to this program outside of the period of performances are not eligible for reimbursement under this award. Under 2 CFR 200.334-338, subrecipients of this award will be required to maintain records for a minimum of three (3) years from the date of close out and allow access by federal and state auditor, as well as any oversight entities.
Type of Award
Awarded healthcare employers will be considered subrecipients under 2 CFR 200 and subject to subrecipient monitoring requirements in accordance with 2 CFR 200.332. Grant funds are administered as reimbursement only and no advance payments will be provided.
Use of Funds
Provided funds are designed to address various needs as a result of the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Grant funds provided to eligible healthcare employers can only be used for expenses related to the project identified in the approved application. Expenses for related training must logically align with the proposed program.
Expenses related to the private match requirement must be expended and fully validated prior to subrecipients becoming eligible to submit reimbursements for grant awarded funds. Validation of both match and award funds will be subject to evidence that funds were expended in compliance with procurement processes outlined in 2 CFR 200.317-200.327 and defined by the contract agreement. To be considered, all expenses must be entered into and submitted on the IWD expense tracker document and must include proof of purchase and proof of payment documentation for consideration for reimbursement.
Specific expense categories eligible for grant and private match funds include:
· Third-party Tuition and Fee Expenses for coursework specific to the healthcare training program for program participants.
· Third-party Credentialing, Licensing, and/or Exam Expenses (excludes graduation or ceremonial expenses).
· Apprentice or Earn and Learn Participant Wages for eligible times throughout the program. Estimated hours for paid education and on-the-job training per participant will be identified in the program plan. Hours paid for studying time, vacation, sick, paid time off, or holidays are not eligible for match or reimbursement expenses.
· Internal Instructor Wages (Instructor must be an employee of the applicant agency).
· Mentor and Preceptor Wages for direct contact time with participants related to identified program activities. Estimated hours and amounts will be identified in application budget narrative.
· Administrative Expenses – maximum of 5% of grant award for each submission (not eligible as match expenses).
Ineligible Expenses
· Annual training and continuing education expenses for individuals to maintain credentials or licenses.
· Training not related to the specified high demand occupation. Examples include and are not limited to leadership training, general education courses, pre-requisite courses, developmental and remedial courses.
· Wages for studying time, vacation, sick, paid time off, or holidays.
Food, Travel and Transportation Reimbursements
Food, Travel and Transportation are not eligible expenses approved for reimbursement for this award.
Description | File Name | Type | Size | Upload Date |
APPENDIX C - 2025 Healthcare Credentialing Grant Project Plan & Timeline | Program Plan Timeline.xlsx | xlsx | 10 KB | 01/14/2025 04:15 PM |
Blank W-9 template | W-9 blank.pdf | 129 KB | 01/10/2025 12:12 PM | |
Healthcare Credentialing Budget Spreadsheet - APPENDIX D | APPENDIX D - 2025 Grant Request Budget Form.xlsx | xlsx | 22 KB | 01/15/2025 08:31 AM |
Iowa Healthcare Credentialing Grant Notice of Funding Opportunity | 2025 Iowa Healthcare Credentialing Grant NOFO - UPDATED 1.29.25.pdf | 330 KB | 01/29/2025 01:13 PM |
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