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597555 - SFY 2026 JAG/SCIP/RSAT/PSN
Funding Opportunity Details

Byrne-Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG)

Final Application Deadline: Mar 5, 2025 4:30 PM

  • Status Posted

    Posted Date Jan 22, 2025 2:13 PM

    Award Amount RangeNot Applicable

    Project Dates 07/01/2025 - 06/30/2026

    Award Announcement Date 06/01/2025

    Categorical Area

    Recurring Opportunity Yes


    Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG)

    The Byrne-Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program, provides financial assistance to support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime and to improve the criminal justice system. The JAG program places an emphasis on violent crime, drug offenses, serious offenders, and justice system improvement. The Iowa Byrne-JAG Strategy is available for review on the ODCP website.


    Funding for this solicitation is available through Iowa’s Byrne-Justice Assistance Grant allocation. Approximately $1,900,000 will be committed through this competitive grant process for use in State Fiscal 2026. Of the JAG program funds, federal guidelines currently require a minimum of 63% to be passed through to local jurisdictions and a maximum of 37% to be passed to state agencies.


    JAG funding can be used to support programs within these federally approved “Program Purpose Areas”:

    · Law Enforcement

    · Prosecution & Courts

    · Prevention & Education

    · Corrections/Community Corrections

    · Behavioral Health Services

    · Planning & Evaluation

    · Technology Improvement

    · Crime Victim & Witness Services

    · Extreme Risk and Protective Orders

    · Specialty Courts


    Examples of Program Responses to address these purpose areas include, but are not limited to:

    · Multi-jurisdictional drug enforcement task forces

    · Promoting data driven policy development

    · Diversion to treatment for low-risk non-violent alcohol and other drug-addicted offenders

    · Providing case management resources for community-based offenders receiving treatment services

    · Using intelligence systems to increase law enforcement effectiveness

    · Jail-based treatment programs

    · Criminal justice training opportunities

    · Crime lab enhancements that reduce the turnaround time for evidence analysis

    · Linking corrections and partners to enhance client compliance with conditions of probation/parole

    · Intensive supervision programs for drug and other high-risk probation/parole clients

    · Assisting offender transition from jail/prison to the community

    · Increasing treatment resources for juvenile or adult offenders

    · Providing substance/crime-free supervised transitional housing

    · Community-based programs for co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders

    · Mental health services to increase public safety/wellbeing

    · Anti-drug/crime coalitions programs which establish environmental prevention strategies and activities

    · Specialty court programming

    · Prevention programs with local community coalition participation

    · Providing information to the public on emerging drugs

    · Prevention and development services targeting high-risk youth and their parents

    · Integrating substance use prevention services with other programs

    · Addressing underage and binge drinking

    · Improving early identification of substance use issues in high-risk populations

    · Innovative programs that improve the operational effectiveness of the justice system

    Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP)

    The Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP) Formula Grant Program, provides financial assistance to support a broad range of activities to strengthen community efforts to prevent, respond to, and reduce gun and violent crime in Iowa.


    Funding for this solicitation is available through Iowa’s Byrne State Crisis Intervention allocation. Approximately $1,100,000 will be committed through this competitive grant process. Of the SCIP program funds, federal guidelines require a minimum of 40% to be passed through to local jurisdictions.


    For purposes of coordinating Iowa’s SCIP initiative, the ODCP Bureau Chief convened the Iowa Crisis Intervention Advisory Board (ICIAB). The ICIAB identified behavioral health as the top priority area for Iowa’s SCIP funding awards, with an emphasis on youth programming. Funding will be prioritized to projects that support the broad goals outlined in the 2024 Iowa Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program Plan.


    The Board specifically identified the following as potential project responses to implement SCIP gun violence reduction objectives:


    · Mental health partnerships

    · Crisis centers

    · Co-responder projects

    · Specialty courts

    · Jail diversion

    · Mobile crisis units

    · Community programs

    · Youth diversion

    · Community responses to methamphetamine

    · Gun violence intervention

    · Behavioral threat assessment programs and related training

    · Other innovative state and local programming


    Note: This list represents Possible Program Responses and is not intended to be an exhaustive list.


    Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program (RSAT)

    The Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) program provides funding to units of government in developing and implementing residential substance use disorder treatment programs in state and local correctional and detention facilities. RSAT programs provide individual and group treatment activities for offenders and must meet the following requirements: Correctional facility - last between 6 and 12 months or Jail – last at least 3 months; be provided in residential treatment facilities set apart from the general correctional population; focus on the substance abuse problems of the inmate; include drug/alcohol testing of participants including periodic and randomized testing; and develop the inmate's cognitive, behavioral, social, vocational, and other skills to solve substance abuse and related problems.


    Funding for this solicitation is available through Iowa’s Residential Substance Abuse Treatment allocation. Approximately $275,000 will be committed through this competitive grant process for use in State Fiscal 2026. Of the RSAT program funds, federal guidelines currently require a minimum of 10% be passed through to local jurisdictions and a maximum of 90% to be passed to state agencies.

    Project Safe Neighborhoods Grant Program (PSN)

    The Project Safe Neighborhoods program is a federal grant program designed to address violent crime with an emphasis on gun and gang-related crime. The PSN program provides funding to each of the 94 US Attorney districts to facilitate a coordinated response to the most critical violent crime problem in each district.


    Each of the U.S. Attorneys have established district PSN workgroups that develop a PSN grant action plan to establish funding priorities for this grant award. The U.S. Attorneys for Iowa have identified the Iowa Department of Public Safety, Office of Drug Control Policy (ODCP) as the fiscal agent for the PSN program in the Northern and Southern Districts of Iowa.


    The ODCP, in cooperation with the U.S. Attorney’s Offices, offers a competitive Project Safe Neighborhood funding opportunity. Through this funding opportunity, financial assistance is available to promote safe neighborhoods through a sustained reduction in violent crime, including, but not limited to, addressing criminal gangs, and the felonious possession and use of firearms. The PSN program supports coordination, cooperation, and partnerships of local, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies, and the communities they serve in a unified approach coordinated with the U.S. Attorney’s Office.


    Funding for this opportunity is available through of Iowa’s Project Safe Neighborhoods award. Approximately $82,000 will be committed in the Northern District and approximately $107,000 will be committed in the Southern District.


    Iowa Northern District PSN Priority Activities

    The US Attorney, Northern District of Iowa has identified the following Priority Activities for this solicitation. Priority funding will be provided to projects which employ strategies that positively affect these broadly targeted activities:

    ● Youth-serving organizations/agencies toward the operation/support of prevention programming, including critical thinking classes, mentoring initiatives and/or other programs aimed at promoting protective factors and positive youth development

    ● Mental health/social services assistance for at-risk individuals

    ● Crime prevention training, de-escalation training, and community policing training for law enforcement officers

    ● Gang task forces including enforcement and prevention activities

    ● Equipment, services, and technology for law enforcement


    The U.S. Attorney’s PSN Task Force has identified Black Hawk County/Waterloo as an area of priority based on violent crime data. Applications serving Black Hawk County/Waterloo will receive priority consideration in the review process.


    Iowa Southern District PSN Priority Activities

    The US Attorney, Southern District of Iowa has identified the following Priority Activities for this solicitation. Priority funding will be provided to projects which employ strategies that positively affect these broadly targeted activities:

    ● Equipment, services, and technology for law enforcement

    ● Violent crime project or program that has long-term effects

    ● Violent crime project or program that focuses upon a specific geographical location that has demonstrated an extraordinary amount of gun violence in comparison to the rest of the district

    ● Violent crime project or program that has the greatest geographical effect. (beneficial for multiple law enforcement jurisdictions)

    ● Project or programs which provide effective violent crime prevention.

    ● Crime prevention training, de-escalation training

    ● Gang task forces including enforcement and prevention activities


    The U.S. Attorney’s PSN Task Force has identified Scott County/Davenport and Polk County/Des Moines as areas of priority based on violent crime data. Applications serving Scott County/Davenport or Polk County/Des Moines will receive priority consideration in the review process.

    See the Attachments for additional information and application instruction.  

DescriptionFile NameTypeSizeUpload Date
Application InstructionsODCP Application Instructions SFY 2026.pdfpdf279 KB01/14/2025 11:56 AM
Draft Certified Assurance - Provided for information only. Successful applicants will sign conditions with their contract materials. Some changes are expected for SFY 2025.Certified Assurances June 2024.pdfpdf148 KB01/14/2025 11:56 AM
Draft Standard Grant Conditions - Provided for information only. Successful applicants will sign conditions with their contract materials. Some changes are expected for SFY 2026.ODCP Standard Grant Conditions June 2024.pdfpdf428 KB01/14/2025 11:55 AM
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