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561293 - FY25 Shared Visions Parent Support Renewal Application
Funding Opportunity Details

Early Childhood At-Risk

Final Application Deadline: Jun 14, 2024 11:59 PM

  • Status Closed

    Posted Date May 9, 2024 10:48 AM

    Award Amount RangeNot Applicable

    Project Dates 07/01/2024 - 06/30/2025

    Award Announcement Date

    Categorical Area Early Childhood Services & Supports

    Recurring Opportunity No


    Shared Visions Parent Support: Education Support Programs for Parents of Children At-Risk




    This is the final renewal year for the current 5-year grant cycle. A new 5-year competitive grant will be available to the public in January 2025; awards to be announced in May 2025.


    Availability of Funds:

    Grant application awards are contingent on the 2024 legislative appropriation.  Additional application requirements may be added if legislatively mandated.  Applicants will be notified of any changes to the application.


    APPLICATION DEADLINE:   June 14, 2024 by 11:59 PM


    Contact: Marianne Rodrigues, Consultant

    Iowa Department of Education

    Grimes State Office Building

    400 East 14th Street

    Des Moines, IA  50319-0146





    In 1988, the Iowa Legislature established Iowa Code 256A creating the Child Development Coordinating Council (CDCC) and funding the Shared Visions Parent Support Programs.  The mission of the CDCC is to advocate for Iowa’s children and families and support model comprehensive child development programs for children at-risk and their families.  The CDCC advises the Iowa Department of Education (Department) regarding the administration and implementation of state funded at-risk programs for families with children ages birth to five.  The Department administers the Shared Visions Parent Support Program which provides quality educational support services for families with children at-risk who are age birth to five years.


    The Department is issuing a renewal application to fund Shared Visions Parent Support Programs.  The purpose is to collect applications that will continue the services as awarded in FY21 while providing a Shared Visions Parent Support Program created in accordance with Iowa code section 279.51 and the rules in 281-Iowa Administrative Code 64. 


    Eligible Applicants

    Any public school district, area education agency, or other non-profit agency which administers quality educational support programs to parents of children with risk factors aged birth through five years and which received a FY21 Shared Visions Parent Support Program grant award may apply. It is required that applicants meet program requirements as outlined in Iowa Code section 256A and 281-Iowa Administrative Code 64. Eligible applicants may provide services to parents of children with risk factors ages birth to five years and must be able to meet primary and secondary enrollment requirements as defined in 281-Iowa Administrative Code 64.                                                                                                                                   


    Application and Grant Information

    All required components of the application must be completed following the stated instructions and submitted in a timely manner.  Funding and final award amounts for FY25 are contingent on the 2024 legislative appropriation. 

    Comprehensive educational support services may be provided through home visitation, group-based parent education, or a combination of the two approaches.  

    Annual reporting is required and will include a mid-year budget report, a year-end report and a renewal application. Other reports or information needed to determine how well the goals and objectives of the grant are being met may also be requested per 281-Iowa Administrative Code 64.26.

    Program Period

    The first year of the program period was FY21. Grants were awarded for one year with a renewal option for up to five years provided grantees meet program requirements. All funding is contingent on annual legislative appropriations. The funding period for FY25 (year five) is July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. There are no remaining renewal years for the current 5-year grant cycle. 

    Services to be Delivered and Performance Criteria

    Awarded applicants are expected to:

    • Follow program requirements as outlined in 281 - Iowa Administrative Code 64.
    • Enroll parents of age-eligible children with risk factors who meet the current eligibility guidelines for free and reduced price meals under the child nutrition program (Eligibility: 281- Iowa Administrative Code 64.22). 
    • Enroll parents of age-eligible children with other at-risk factors (Secondary Eligibility: 281-Iowa Administrative Code 64.23).
    • Provide comprehensive services through home visitation, group-based parent education, or a combination of the two approaches as described in the awarded application.
    • Immediately inform the Department of any needed budget revisions to allow for negotiation (Contract Revisions: 281-Iowa Administrative Code 64.11).
    • Provide an annual in-kind match of at least 20% of the total grant award.
    • Complete a mid-year budget report and year-end report in a format determined by the Department (Grantee Responsibilities: 281-Iowa Administrative Code 64.26).
    • Collect and report program, child and family data in a manner to be determined by the Department of Education.
    • Provide enrolled families with access to ReadyRosie.
    • Maintain records to include, but not limited to: (Grantee Responsibilities: 281-Iowa Administrative Code 64.26)
      • demographic information on parents and children served,
      • qualifying criteria for those parents receiving educational support services,
      • documentation of the number of contact hours in either individual or group sessions with parents,
      • documentation of the type of educational support service provided to parents,
      • indication of where the services were provided, i.e., home, school, or community facility,
      • evaluation of how each project goal and objective was met, on what timeline, and with what success rate,
      • a record of expenditures, and
      • other information specified by the department necessary to the overall evaluation.

    Procedures Used to Determine Approval

    Applications will be reviewed to ensure program requirements are maintained as described in the FY21 awarded application. Any necessary changes to program design or the service plan must be submitted within the renewal application for review and consideration for approval.

    All applicants will receive notification of funding status no later than 45 days following the due date for the renewal application.  All award amounts will be confirmed within 45 days of the annual state appropriation being finalized. Budget negotiation may be necessary to accommodate the obligation of all funds. 

    Awards will be finalized for each successful applicant within the Iowa Grants System. Assurances shall be signed by an official with authority to bind the applicant and shall be submitted to the Department through the online application system, IowaGrants.gov, prior to the award of any funds under this program.

    All grant awards are contingent upon the 2024 legislative appropriation and legislative sessions each succeeding year through FY25.


    Submission of Application

    The Department must receive the application by 11:59 PM Friday, June 14, 2024 through the online grant application system, IowaGrants.gov.  This is a mandatory requirement and will not be subject to waiver as a minor deficiency. 

    Please adhere to all requirements and instructions within each form of the application within IowaGrants.gov.  Any information submitted separately from the application will not be considered in the renewal process.


    Requests for Reconsideration and Contract Termination

     Information on requests for reconsideration and contract termination may be found in 281-Iowa Administrative Code 64.

Income Eligibility Guidelines
DescriptionFile NameTypeSizeUpload Date
2024 Income Eligibility Guidelines - These are to be used to assist programs while enrolling families who meet primary eligibility of the Shared Visions Parent Support Program.SharedVisionsPreschoolandParentSupportIncomeEligibility2024.pdfpdf118 KB05/01/2024 10:57 AM
FY25 Shared Visions Parent Support Grant AwardsFY25 Shared Visions Parent Support - Grant Awards 2.pdfpdf71 KB05/01/2024 11:00 AM
This document provides guidance for creating grant budgets.Shared Visions Parent Support Budget Guidance.docx.pdfpdf85 KB04/19/2024 01:10 PM
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