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550862 - 2024 Project Safe Neighborhood - Southern District
Funding Opportunity Details

Project Safe Neighborhoods

Final Application Deadline: Apr 15, 2024 4:30 PM

  • Status Closed

    Posted Date Feb 23, 2024 2:02 PM

    Award Amount RangeNo Limit - $102,000.00

    Project Dates 07/01/2024 - 06/30/2025

    Award Announcement Date 05/30/2024

    Categorical Area Justice, Prevention/Correction/Rehab,Justice, Youth,Law Enforcement

    Recurring Opportunity Yes


    The Project Safe Neighborhoods program is a federal grant program designed to address violent crime with an emphasis on gun and gang related crime. The PSN program provides funding to each of the 94 US Attorney districts to facilitate a coordinated response to the most critical violent crime problem in each district.


    Each of the U.S. Attorneys have established district PSN workgroups who have developed a PSN grant action plan which includes funding priorities for the 2022 DOJ grant award. The U.S. Attorney has identified the Iowa Department of Public Safety, Office of Drug Control Policy (ODCP) as the fiscal agent for the PSN program in the Southern District of Iowa.


    1. in cooperation with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, offer a competitive Project Safe Neighborhood funding opportunity. Through this funding opportunity, financial assistance is available to promote safe neighborhoods through a sustained reduction in violent crime, including, but not limited to, addressing criminal gangs and the felonious possession and use of firearms. The PSN program supports coordination, cooperation, and partnerships of local, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve in a unified approach coordinated with the U.S. Attorney’s Office.


    Funding for this opportunity is available through of Iowa’s Project Safe Neighborhoods award. Approximately $102,000 will be committed in the Southern District.


    Iowa Southern District PSN Priority Activities

    The US Attorney, Southern District of Iowa has identified the following Priority Activities for this solicitation. Priority funding will be provided to projects which employ strategies that positively affect these broadly targeted activities:

    Equipment, services and technology for law enforcement

    Violent crime project or program that has long-term effects

    Violent crime project or program that focuses upon a specific geographical location that has demonstrated an extraordinary amount of gun violence in comparison to the rest of the district

    Violent crime project or program that has the greatest geographical effect. (beneficial for multiple law enforcement jurisdictions)

    Project or programs which provide effective violent crime prevention. Crime prevention training, de-escalation training

    Gang task forces including enforcement and prevention activities


    The U.S. Attorney’s PSN Task Force has identified Scott County/Davenport and Polk County/Des Moines as an area of priority based on violent crime data. Applications serving Scott County/Davenport and Polk County/Des Moines will receive priority consideration in the review process.






    1. eligible to receive grant funds from ODCP include state and local units of government, Indian tribes, faith-based organizations and nonprofit entities. A local unit of government is defined as a city, county, town, township or other general-purpose political subdivision of a state and includes Indian tribes that perform law enforcement functions as determined by the Secretary of the Interior. A city or county must be the legal applicant and recipient on behalf of city and county departments. Iowa faith based and nonprofit organizations are eligible to receive grant funding, but application must be made through a state or local unit of government.



    Applications for 2024 PSN funding must be received by ODCP through Iowa’s enterprise grant management system (www.iowagrants.gov) by 4:30 p.m. April 15, 2024.


    *Note: Registration with www.iowagrants.gov is required prior to submitting an application. Registration may take several business days to complete. Do not wait until the last minute to begin your application. Difficulty with registration will not be an appealable hardship.

DescriptionFile NameTypeSizeUpload Date
Application Instructions S. DistrictPSN application instructions S Dist.pdfpdf280 KB02/23/2024 02:00 PM
Draft Certified Assurance - Provided for information only. Successful applicants will sign certifications with their contract materials. Minor changes are expected for this funding cycle.Certified Assurances June 2022.pdfpdf148 KB02/19/2024 01:39 PM
Draft Standard Grant Conditions - Provided for information only. Successful applicants will sign conditions with their contract materials. Minor changes are expected for this funding cycle.ODCP Standard Grant Conditions November 2023.pdfpdf427 KB02/19/2024 01:39 PM
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Governor's Office of Drug Control Policy