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550553 - 2025 GTSB Indirect Cost Highway Safety Grants
Funding Opportunity Details

Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau

Final Application Deadline: Jul 30, 2024 11:59 PM

  • Status Closed

    Posted Date Jul 30, 2024 7:39 AM

    Award Amount RangeNot Applicable

    Project Dates 10/01/2024 - 09/30/2025

    Award Announcement Date

    Categorical Area Education ,Transportation

    Recurring Opportunity No


    Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau - Iowa Department of Public Safety

    February 2024


    The Iowa Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) administers the federally funded Highway Safety Program currently authorized through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The IIJA Act authorizes the federal surface transportation programs for highways, highway safety and transit. Federal highway safety programs are administered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Transportation established in 1966 to combat the growing number of traffic related deaths and injuries.


    The mission of the GTSB is to identify traffic safety issues and, through partnerships with city, county, state and local organizations, develop and implement strategies to reduce deaths and injuries on Iowa's roadways using federally-funded grants to improve traffic safety in the State of Iowa.


    Traffic safety projects are funded through one-year contracts between the GTSB and the awarded agency. Funds are only provided through reimbursements after project costs are incurred. Claims are usually submitted and reimbursed on a monthly basis.


    To determine which grant funded project an agency is awarded will be contingent on the agency’s funding application received by the GTSB and a review of the state’s problem identification.


    The agency head or suitable authority must sign the funding proposal. Proposals must be received by the GTSB before March 30th for consideration in the program year beginning the following October 1st.


    Examples of traffic safety projects eligible for grant funds:

    Data Program Improvements to Core Highway Safety Databases

    Motorcycle Safety

    Older Driver Safety

    Outreach & Education

    Prevention & Intervention

    Roadway Safety

    Traffic Safety Research, Planning, and Data Integration

    Vulnerable Users – Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety

    Youth Programs


    For Further Information/Assistance, contact the Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau at 515-725-6126

    Applications must be submitted On-line via www.iowagrants.gov

    Deadline: March 29

    Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau

    215 East 7th Street, 3rd Floor

    Des Moines, IA 50319-0248

DescriptionFile NameTypeSizeUpload Date
Application InstructionsIndirect Cost Application Instructions.pdfpdf990 KB02/15/2024 02:16 PM
Instructions for Logging into Iowa Grantslogin_instructions_-_with_screenshots_dec_8.pdfpdf618 KB02/15/2024 02:12 PM
Website Link
Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau