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521723 - Homeless Children and Youth Resource Hub Mini Grant
Funding Opportunity Details

Homeless Children and Youth

Final Application Deadline: Jul 1, 2024 11:59 PM

  • Status Closed

    Posted Date Jun 13, 2024 10:35 AM

    Award Amount RangeNo Limit - $10,000.00

    Project Dates 07/15/2024 - 09/30/2024

    Award Announcement Date 07/15/2024

    Categorical Area Homeless

    Recurring Opportunity No

  • Homeless Children and Youth Resource Hub Mini Grant

    Competitive Grant Opportunity Total Amount of Funds Available: Up to $372,538  


    The Iowa Department of Education is using the American Rescue Plan-Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY) state set-aside funds to offer mini grants for local education agencies (LEAs) to help create resource hubs for students and families experiencing homelessness within school buildings. Not having access to everyday basic needs/student wellness items such as clean clothing, food, personal hygiene items, and/or school supplies is a major barrier for homeless children and youth. Purchasing basic needs/student wellness items has been a significant use of McKinney-Vento and ARP-HCY funds in the past. 

    This grant offers the opportunity for LEAs to provide PK-12 students with the necessary resources to children and youth experiencing homelessness in their school building. Examples of allowable onsite resource hub purchases include: 

    • Personal hygiene supplies
    • Clothing (specifically for homeless families)
    • Food (specifically for homeless families)
    • Purchases necessary to create sustainable food pantries/clothing closets (e.g. shelving, refrigeration units, storage containers, signage)
    • Washer/Dryer
    • Emergency supplies
    • Portable shower units

    Grant requests can be made for up to $10,000 per LEA. 


    • Funds must be obligated by 9/30/24 and liquidated by 1/28/25 in accordance with the federal guidelines in ARP-HCY.
    • Assurances must be agreed upon by the LEA in the application. 


    • Any LEA that reported to have served at least one homeless student in the 2022-23 school year in the Student Reporting in Iowa (SRI) data collection, may apply for the grant.
    • Priority for awarding a grant will be based on the needs of children and youth experiencing homelessness within the LEA, the plan the LEA has for meeting those needs, and the plan the LEA has for sustainability after relief funds expire.  

    Application Components 

    Eligible LEAs interested in this grant opportunity must complete an application within IowaGrants and provide the following required information:

    1. District Information and Implementation Plan
      • Demonstration of need through data.
      • Description of how LEA intends to use these funds to meet the needs of their students and families experiencing homelessness.
      • Plan for sustainability after ARP-HCY funds expire.
    2. Budget
      • Completed budget worksheet that addresses needs. 
    3. Assurances
      • Completed program assurances worksheet.

    Applications will be reviewed and points will be awarded according to the Scoring Rubric attached to this funding opportunity in IowaGrants.


    LEAs may apply for any award amount up to $10,000. Grants will be awarded until the funds are exhausted.

    Submission of Application:

    The Department must receive the application through the IowaGrants online application system by the deadline stated in the funding opportunity description. Applicants must adhere to all requirements and instructions within each form of the application in IowaGrants. Any information submitted separately from the application will not be considered in the review process.

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This document is the scoring rubric for the Homeless Children and Youth Resource Hub mini grant. ARP-HCY Resource Hub Mini Grant Scoring Rubric.pdfpdf87 KB04/10/2024 01:23 PM
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