Program Description
The Leadership Bootcamp Grant program provides training, mentorship and funding to rural communities and regions initiating leadership programs. This program is a result of the Governor's Empower Rural Iowa Initiative.
If Iowa wants rural communities to survive and thrive, it will take strong local leadership. Many rural communities have created effective leadership programs, as have various Iowa industries. Leveraging these efforts as examples and partners, this program targets rural communities who want to start a local leadership program and work to engage participants in community leadership roles. Grantees will participate in a two-day bootcamp resulting in a work plan and a one-year mentorship.
The program is administered by the Center for Rural Revitalization , a division of the Iowa Economic Development Authority, in consultation with the Governor’s Empower Rural Iowa Initiative Task Forces.
Informational Webinar
Thursday, July 20, 10-11AM: Register Online
Program Details
Grantees are required to send three citizens to participate in a two-day training, dates posted on the Empower Rural Iowa website. Grant funds and match dollars must be used for the development and implementation of a community leadership program. Eligible uses include but are not limited to: travel costs associated with participating in the Exchange and Bootcamp; marketing materials; staff time on leadership program; room rentals; speaker fees; or purchase of equipment/materials. Food and beverage costs are not eligible expenses.
Additional program details include:
Grant Award: $1,000
Minimum $500 cash match requirement
Disbursements will be made on a reimbursement basis
City or county government and private 501(c)3 or 501(c)6 nonprofit agencies and foundations are eligible to apply
Applicants that are not a local government must include a letter of support from the Mayor or resolution from the City Council
Programs must exist in and benefit a community in Iowa with a population of 20,000 or fewer and not contiguous to a city with a population of 40,000 or greater OR if a county-wide program, must be one of the 88 least populous counties in Iowa
Selection Consideration
Applications are submitted via during an annual, competitive application round. All applications will be reviewed by a panel including Governor’s Empower Rural Iowa Initiative Task Force members; Iowa Economic Development Authority staff; and expert professionals. The following categories are evaluated when selecting awardees:
Participation & Timing
Program Description & Background
Core Team Diversity & Partnerships
Participation Goals & Implementation Plan
Budget & Local Support
Geography & Population
Additional Information
Additional information, including guidelines, are available on the Center for Rural Revitalization web site at