387173 - CDBG 2019 Disaster Recovery - Buyout
Funding Opportunity Details
CDBG-DR - 2019 Disaster
Final Application Deadline:
Status Closed
Posted Date Feb 24, 2023 5:30 AM
Award Amount RangeNot Applicable
Project Dates 12/31/2020 - 12/31/2030
Award Announcement Date
Categorical Area Community Development,Disaster Assistance,Disaster Preparedness,Economic Development,Homeless,Housing,Rural Issues
Recurring Opportunity No
Program Officer Steven Stransky
Phone (515) 348-6204 x
To provide for the acquisition of properties located in a floodplain or floodway, or in Disaster Risk Reduction Areas as designated by the grantee, to reduce the risk from future flooding.
Eligible Recipients/Project Area
Eligible applicants are units of general local government which will be awarded funds from the CDBG-DR program as a result of the 2019 flooding natural disaster as defined by FEMA Declaration DR-4421-IA dated March 23, 2019 for Iowa Severe Storms and Flooding (March 12, 2019 and continuing).
Eligible Activity
- Eligibility for this program is established by Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management (IHSEM), in coordination with FEMA or IEDA for properties not eligible for HMGP
- CDBG-DR will cover the non-federal share of the buyouts (acquisition) as determined by FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program for a minimum grant match of 25%
- CDBG-DR will cover the non-federal share of the demolition as determined by FEMA’s Public Assistance Program for a minimum grant match of 25%
- If there is a need for a match higher than 25%, CDBG-DR may provide the extended match. The amount of the non-federal share match will be determined based upon:
- The percentage of Low and Moderate Income (LMI) persons participating in the buyout program
- The location of buyouts within the HUD-designated MID area. This includes the entirety of Fremont, Harrison, and Mills counties.
- Available Funding
- Coordination with IHSEM
- For communities that did not receive HMGP buyout, CDBG-DR maybe eligible for the full cost of the buyout
This program provides cities and other local government entities with funding for buyouts both as match to FEMA funded HMGP buyouts and those not covered under the HMGP. Entities will work with their COG, IHSEM and IEDA to develop an application.
Applications will be open cycled, reviewed, and approved as submitted to IEDA. The minimum threshold must be met for an application to be funded in the open cycle.
Program Specific Guidelines can be found in the 2019 CDBG Policies and Procedures Manual found at: https://www.iowaeda.com/disaster-recovery/2019/
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